Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

This is SARAH MUSLIMAH's Life..My Inspiration.

Well its a long story really..my mum left me when i was 3 years old..i lived a tough life,grew up hating everyone, but always felt close to 'God' though i didnt practiose my religion (christianity) i went to a catholic school, where it was essential to pray daily, but i never felt anything when i prayed...anyway i left school went to high school, um got in more problems, got treated badly, started doing what most teenagers do, (in uk!) drinking alcohol..going crazy..refused to go to school..fell in love..got heartbroken..it got worst..started drinking more..cutting my skin..attempting suicide..my dad couldn't control me, so he sent me to live with my grandmother..we hated each other, but in time we formed a great friendship, but then sadly she got cancer and i was at her bedside as she slipped away, i watched her eyes rolling back in her head & there wasnt anything i could do, from then on, i started to blame and hate 'God' i would scream and cry , why he took her and not me? and then i tried everything to kill myself, almost died few times, till the authorities sent me away to a mental health hospital, i ran away, so they sent me to a secure unit..i got 'better again' came back into the outside world 9 months later..then i was randomly talking to a friend of mine, i was speaking to her about my hopes and dreams..and the world and such stuff..and she said to me, most of what i believe in is in islam..and she gave me a book called 'what is islam?' and from then on, i grew to love islam, and now im so happy i'm a muslim Alhamdulilah

After i said my shahada and became muslim, i felt a hapiness deep within me, a hapiness more than anything iv ever experienced or felt before, i lovee islam alot, and grew to love it more and more, each time im learning something new, my family refuse to speak with me.. i can recall one time with my aunt, when she found out im muslim, she told me i'm british not a 'paki' and told em to go and have black babies, now she may be my family, but i do not accept racism from anyone, im totally against it, so that was the end of that, my family all have the same attitude, only my father accepts me as a muslim, because iv been interested in islam for many years and he knows its not just a '#phase' and because im his daughter, whatever i believe in so thats good :) alhamdulilah, i think the most thing i find difficult is the praying, as arabic is not my first language, and it takes alot to learn it, still i cant memorize it all, so i read it from paper and pray, untill i can memorize in inshaAllah :) some people say that wearing the hijab is the most challenging, but for me it was easy, obey my creator (Allah) or care what people think in the street??? thats how i see it, and as for my friends, if they dont accept that, then are they really true friends? overall im very happy and i feel it was the best choice for me :)

Dear Future Spouse,
I don’t want much. I don’t need much.
All I need is someone to lead me to Jannah.
All I need is someone that will help
me fight this dunya and enter Jannah.
All I need is someone who will bring
me closer to the one who created me.
This is all I want and all I need. Ameen....
---Ini salah satu kisah saudara kita yang tinggal di Inggris, namanya Sarah Muslimah, usianya 23 tahun.Kisah yg membuat air mata saya sbg seorang muslim menangis. bagaimana kita yg terlahir sbg muslim?????
sudahkah mengenggam islam sbg satu2nya agama yg akan mempertemukan kita pada Allah. Dia yg hidup pd masa yg sama sprti kita dimana ketika Kafir sdg mnjadikn umat Islam sbg umat yg terpuruk, hina dan diluluh lantakkan akidahnya. Tp ia percaya bahwa Islam akan bangkit....subhanallah----

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